Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Thoughts…

What should I do to get my A/C ready for this spring?

First things first… Clear away any leaves, brush and dirt from the air conditioner’s top grille, trim any shrubs that may be near giving a couple of feet clearance around the unit. The filter should also be replaced on the system monthly.  Dirty filters restrict the airflow and but undue strain your system.  That can also lead to wasted energy.

Now is better than later

It may not be all that warm yet where you live but set your thermostat to cooling mode now anyway.  I only to run the air conditioner for a spell to make sure it is working. Waiting until the heat sets in could lead to a couple of miserable days waiting for a technician to become available for the fix.  Something advice you will get often from us… annual maintenance programs.  If you can identify small problems early, you will avoid large problems later.

Save some green by going green

ENERGY STAR® qualified model are what you should be looking for when the time comes to replace your air conditioner.  Replacing an old, inefficient model with a high-efficiency system can reduce your homes cooling costs by up to 20 percent*. Maybe you use a room air conditioner.  If so consider installing them on north-facing walls when possible to keep it out of the sun. When room air conditioners stay cool, they run much more efficiently.
