Monday, May 14, 2012

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient TIP # 3

Seal ducts
            An issue that results in a 20% reduction of your air handling systems performance should make you sit up and take notice.  The increase work load on that system to overcome the loss will cost you money and create unnecessary wear and tear.  That is just the case when ducts are blocked or damaged.  The loss of air conditioned or heated air can be significant.  This is not usually the easiest dilemma to solve.  Even the best Do It Yourself homeowners may not be able to get this job done right.  Consider calling a HVAC professional in on this one.  Getting under the home or into the attic crawl space tends to be a less than enjoyable experience.  Also some the tools used to look for blockage in your duct work have cameras attached and allow the technician to get deep into the duct and see just what may be creating the blockage.  Not the typical tool in your garage.
            Give us a call and we will be able to give you a better idea on just what the next step should be if you think there may be a problem with your duct work.  We will be glad to assist you in getting your system working more efficiently.