Thursday, February 21, 2013

Heating Repair Preparation

Say your heating system broke down, it happens, it's no fun, but it's important that you and your family are prepared for the situation when it arises. Once you've scheduled the repair with one of our qualified technicians there are a couple tips you should follow to prepare for the service.

Stay Warm!
Break out the sweaters and heavy blankets. Don't let a busted heater make you more uncomfortable in your home than is absolutely necessary. In the event that it's still cold out, it'll be up to you to keep warm while the repair process takes place, we'll try to make it quick!

Clear the Area.
Make sure that your boiler and/or furnace is as accessible as possible for the technician. Having things piled around the system is a generally poor idea anyway as it can negatively affect operation and create a hazardous environment. Safety, efficiency, and convenience for the technician; what more reason could you need to clean the area around your heating system?

Uncover the Registers and Grills.
If you used a forced air distribution system to heat and coll your home go around and move any furniture that make be blocking the registers/vents and grills. Having everything easily accessible and ready to go makes it easier for the technician to get in, fix it, get out and let you get on with your comfortably-heated life.

If you've got a busted heater and are still at the 'scheduled the repair' step, or have any other HVAC problems or questions, give us a call today!