Monday, May 13, 2013

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality And Save Yourself From Allergies!

Allergies? Improve your indoor air quality with these 9 simple steps!:

1. Replace your air filter. One of the most simple and effective things you can do to improve your indoor air quality.

2. Dust. Microfiber cloths can be machine washed and reused. Avoiding the use of chemicals in the dusting process further improves indoor air quality. Start with high surfaces and work your way down to the floor, and finishing with a thorough vacuuming.

3. Close your windows at night and in the morning. Keep the pollen and pollutants outside!

4. Clean the bedding. Wash the bedding regularly in hot water to control dust mites. You can also use mattress and pillowcase covers to further allergy-proof the bedroom.

5. Replace the sponges in your home. Replace the kitchen sponges once a week, or, if you would prefer, soak them in bleach for 15 minutes. Due to moisture, sponges are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

6. Take off your shoes. Most of the dirt in your home is tracked in. Keeping house shoes for wearing inside and leaving the dirty sneakers at the door will improve indoor air quality, maybe consider a nice shoe rack!

7. Purify your air. An indoor air purification system not only helps with odors, they also remove dust, dirt, mold, viruses, chemicals and other small particles.

8. Dehumidify. Removing the excess moisture from your air keeps mold in check. You can accomplish this with a whole-home dehumidifier. Less mold and mildew means fewer allergies. Look into portable models for more isolated moisture issues.

9. Get Ultraviolet Germicidal Lights. These lights limit the growth of bacteria, viruses and mold using UV light. They are installed directly into your HVAC ducts so that airborne micro-organisms in your air are exposed to the lights, and eliminated as your system circulates the air throughout your home.

Air purifiers, dehumidifiers and UV lights; we have what you need to beat the allergy season! Call us today!