Thursday, June 6, 2013

Minimize the Heat Gain in Your Home!

Looking to save some money this summer? Minimize the heat gain by addressing the primary areas that homes gain heat: the ceilings, the walls, and the windows. It's not hard or expensive to lower the heat gain and it can go a long way towards keeping your home cooler without stressing the AC. And better yet you'll also be helping to keep the cold air out during the winter! Here's how to address the primary areas for heat gain:

Install more insulation, it will prevent the flow of heat from the attic through your ceilings. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends at least 16 inches of cellulose or fiberglass insulation the attic. Cellulose and fiberglass insulation are readily available at any home improvement store, along with the equipment to blow them in. Fiberglass batts are also an additional simple option.

Using landscaping to cut the heat coming through the walls works particularly well, especially if you use deciduous trees or bushes. In the summer the leaves shade your home, reducing the heat that makes it through to your home. Alternatively you can paint the east, south, and west walls of your home a brighter color to reflect sunlight.

Single-pane windows have very little thermal resistance, so anything you can do to shade or block the infrared heat from entering them will keep your home cooler. Shade screens use a shade clloth that can block as much as 90% of  heat that hits the glass, and solar window film is a semi-permanent solution for the thermal changes. If your budget allows for it, thermal or Energy Star windows are a long-term solution and may add to the value of your home.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and summer-proof your home! For any other HVAC repairs, installations or assistance, give us a call today!