Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Key AC Installation Factors That Can Make Or Break Performance.

So maybe you've decided it's time for a new Air Conditioning system, or maybe you're just wondering what could be keeping the one you have from performing as good as it could be. Here's 4 of the most important factors to consider when your having a system installed:

System Size - It's relatively common for systems to be too big or too small for a home's needs, unfortunately. Being anything aside from perfect can affect your systems efficiency. A system that is too big will start and stop too often adding extra wear to the components as well as supplying inferior humidity control. A system that is too small will run for far too long, and struggle to keep up on hot days.

Duct Leaks - Air leaks in the ductwork can account for up to 35% of a home's total energy loss. Plus, unfiltered air from the attic or crawlspace can find it's way into your cleaner, distributed air.

Airflow - If your airflow is poor, then your ideal temperature will be hard, if not impossible, to achieve; but your air conditioner will keep trying anyway. A well-trained professional can check for restrictive grills or ductwork design, improperly sized ducts or if your air handler is incompatible with your other equipment.

Refrigerant Charge - This often goes unnoticed to homeowners; up to 70% of home A/C units are using an incorrect refrigerant charge. An HVAC technician will know how to set this charge, maximizing the efficiency of your system.

If you're planning on buying a new Air Conditioner or suspect any of these problems with your current system, call us today to make sure whatever system you have will run great!