Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to Make Your Home More Comfortable TIP # 7

Your kids are in trouble!  Your parents are too!  Home Comfort Tip #7 is focused on the safety of your home and it is not just your HVAC system at play.  The layout of your homes furnishings, believe it or not, can play a large role in the safety and comfort of small children and elderly parents.  This may just seem a little simplistic but take a second and consider the following.  Extension cords or even loose rugs can be one source of potential hazards.  Also, another common oversight is the water heater itself.  Keeping this appliance down at the low setting will prevent burns that might otherwise occur.  Keep an open eye for these and other potential pitfalls and try not to overlook the simple stuff.  Seems like the simple stuff is always where the problems stem from doesn’t it?