Thursday, March 7, 2013

3 Things All Homeowners Should Know about Heating & Cooling

There are tons of things to think about when it comes to buying a home, even more-so if you're a first time buyer. HVAC maintenance, Energy Efficiency, and Indoor Air Quality, are some of the most important things to keep in mind, whether you're searching for a home or just invested in one. Here's why:

HVAC Maintenance
When it comes to your furnace and air conditioning systems, preventative maintenance is key. Having a system break down is the heat of summer or the cold of winter could be disastrous; keep your systems maintained rather than waiting to have them repaired when you really need them. It's recommended that you have your systems serviced twice a year, once in spring and fall, before the heating and cooling seasons really kick in. At the bare minimum have a professional take a look once every two years.

Energy Efficiency
Whether you buy into the green technologies/lifestyle or not, you probably would like to be saving some money on your energy bills. The average home wastes 25 to 40 percent of the energy output from their heating and cooling systems. When it comes to HVAC systems and energy efficiency, the newer the system the better. However, there are things you can do with older systems to provide better efficiency. Ensure that your home is properly insulated and your equipment is running properly and efficiently and you'll be saving money in no time.

Indoor Air Quality
Seasonal allergies, asthma, pet allergies and even dangerous gasses; the quality of the air in your home has some huge implications when it comes to your everyday comfort. Making sure your system isn't circulating unnecessary dust and dander is essential when it comes to your health and comfort. One way to improve your indoor air quality is to install an air purifier to go with your HVAC system. This will ensure that the air leaving your heating and cooling systems is cleaned before being circulated throughout your home. Other measures you can take can be as simple as having your systems regularly cleaned and maintained.

Call us today for maintenance, cleaning, air purifiers, or any other HVAC needs.