Friday, March 22, 2013

7 Ways to Reduce Allergy Symptoms this Spring

Spring is officially here, though the snow missed the memo in some places. It's time to start worrying about allergies. With the trees and flowers budding up it can be difficult to find relief even inside your home. Allergens are everywhere, but you can reduce the number of allergens in your home by following these simple tips:

1. Duct Cleaning. Over time the duct work in your home will gather dust, debris, dirt and allergens: pounds of it even. Call a professional for a duct cleaning to clear it of these allergy aggravating contaminants and prevent them from circulating your home.

2. Filter Replacement or Upgrade. In many homes the only source of indoor air quality is the air filter in the HVAC system. If the air filter is not replaced regularly, then air quality will become a problem. Put regular filter replacement at the top of your maintenance checklist, and if you're still using a cheap fiberglass filter, consider upgrading to a high quality MERV rated filter.

3. Air Conditioner Maintenance. A dirty AC unit is frequently the source of many allergens. Mold and other irritants can build up within the system and then circulate your home. Call in a professional and have your system cleaned out and enjoy not only cleaner air but also some savings from the increased energy efficiency.

4. Vacuuming and Carpet Cleaning. We hope you're already vacuuming on a regular basis, but carpet collects all sorts of bacteria, dust, dander and other pollutants. We recommend deep cleaning the carpets with a steam cleaner to remove and neutralize any contaminants and then regular vacuuming to help keep it that way.

5. Bedding Replacement or Cleaning. A bed is another place that can retain and collect allergens. If you can't afford to replace your bedding, or you just like it too much, have it cleaned instead to remove any pollutants. Mattresses are particularly good at trapping and collecting contaminants, so put a case on that thing to keep it from irritating your allergies.

6. Drape Cleaning. Another household fabric that is a haven for dust and other allergens. Get it cleaned, along with other notable fabrics around the home, at the beginning of the season to cut back on allergens.

7. Weather Stripping Windows and Doors. The last tip we have for you is to do whatever it takes to keep the outdoors where they belong. Keep your doors and windows tightly shut as much as you can, and seal any cracks that may exist along the edges with weather stripping. This will keep the pollen and other allergens out while also taking some burden off of your air conditioner during the warmer seasons.

Don't wait another day, get your home ready for spring! Call us today for some spring system maintenance.