Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Air Filter Options

We're always telling you how important, easy and efficient changing your air filter is. They keep the dust and pollutants out of the air circulating your home, and a clogged one can negatively affect the efficiency of your air system, but you knew that already. But do you know about the other types of air filters you can buy? Here are the four most common types of air filters:

These are the ordinary air conditioning filters, made from spun fiberglass and cardboard frames. These filters are the least expensive, and probably most widely used, but they remove only the largest of dust and dirt particles. However, these filters still clean out enough of the particles to be acceptable choices for people without allergies or respiratory illnesses. These filters need to be cleaned or replaced most often, as much as once a month depending on the model.

Pleated filters are a step up from standard filters. They are made from folded fiber material to maximize its surface area. The larger filtration surface enables these filters to remove up to 40% of all harmful particles in the air, making them an ideal choice for individuals with mild allergies or other minor respiratory issues. Pleated filters are slightly more expensive than standard, but they last about three times as long, requiring replacement only once every 3 months.

These are an advanced type of filter that uses an electrical charge to magnetically pull contaminates out of the air and into the filter. Electrostatic filters can achieve up to 90% removal of particles in the air, but they are also relatively expensive. The cost is well worth it for individuals who suffer from allergies or just want top notch indoor air quality. Electrostatic filters, like pleated, also require changing every 3 months.

High energy particle arresting (HEPA) filters are the top of the line in modern filtration technology. They use filtration media fine enough to trap particles as small as 1/300 of the width of a human hair. As can be expected, HEPA filters are expensive, but they can remove up to 99.7% of contaminates from the air. For the best possible indoor air quality, these filters are preferred. Additionally HEPA filters have to standard replacement frequency, and can 6 months, up to a year, or more depending on variables in your home. We recommend annual checkups to make sure a HEPA filter is still working as planned.

Keeping your systems up and running effectively makes a big difference, especially with the warm weather coming up, and keeping your air filters clean is an essential part of maintaining efficiency. Always change your filters on time or when otherwise necessary. For any question on air filters or anything else heating and cooling, call us today!