Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Maximize Indoor Air Quality With These 3 Tips

Indoor air quality often goes unnoticed, out of sight out of mind. But the air quality in your home is an important part of your families health. Pollutants and impurities can cause illness and aggravate pre-existing conditions and allergies. The EPA suggests these strategies of handling pollutants to improve your indoor air quality.

Controlling the Source - One of the best ways to improve your indoor air quality is to track down the source of any pollutants and removing or reducing them. This is a simple, and cheap method to improve indoor air quality, while simultaneously providing better energy efficiency when compared to increased ventilation as a solution.

Improving Ventilation - Most HVAC units don't bring in adequate amounts of outdoor air, which makes ventilation improvements all the more important. Bringing in fresh outdoor air can be as simple as opening a window or using a fan. Ventilating is most important when doing activities such as painting, cooking or sanding, as they can introduce toxins into your air.

Utilizing Air Cleaners - When proper ventilation is limited due to factors like weather, air cleaners are a helpful alternative for maintaining suitable indoor air quality levels. We don't recommend air cleaners as a primary solution, but rather as a supplementary option to source control or increased ventilation.

If you have any questions on indoor air quality, or anything else HVAC related, give us a call today!